Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Most Iconic Livery in motorsport, YOUR HELP NEEDED!

I'm in the hunt for the most iconic livery in motorsport.

I will be taking anything into consideration as long as the livery raced it counts, so anything from the motorbike world, F1, NASCAR, touring cars, WRC and anything else I have missed.

It must be iconic or absolutely beautiful and must have raced in some form, I need your help to nominate your favourite via twitter to @jimmyb_84 or leave a comment on this post (hopefully I'll sort email too). From all your nominations I will create a short-list from most nominated and leave the final decision to you guys via a poll. I you can provide a picture, it would help but it's not a condition to nominate.

I will give you a week to send them in! Please retweet this blog so we can get a comprehensive list!


I have completed a nominations list which can be found on the link below

I will split into 5 categorises F1, WRC, GT/Le Man, Touring Cars and Other.

You will vote for a winner in each, then this 5 will compete for the over all title of #mosticoniclivery Please RT this blog so we get as many votes as possible.

Thank you for all your nominations!

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